Surprising Benefits of Raised Writing Desks

raised writing desks

The use of raised writing desks or standing desks is one of the growing health trends believed to offset the injury and damage brought about by long inactivity periods. It’s because more and more people are now getting these desks for their work-from-home setups. Employers are also letting their employees choose to stand while working. 

The following are some of the surprising benefits you get to enjoy when using a raised writing desk:

Better Mood and Higher Energy Levels

It has been discovered that severe depression and anxiety may occur if you often sit while using your computer. A study revealed that people who stood claimed to have a more positive outlook and more energy with less pain in the back, joints, and muscles. 

invest in a raised writing desk
We know that most people say you should be standing 80% of the time and sitting 20% of the time. It’s hard to reach those numbers if you have an office job. That’s why you should invest in a raised writing desk.

They also tend to feel stronger and even more limber, while some reported improved productivity levels. Once the standing desks were taken away, the study’s participants stated that they felt worse. 

Improved Productivity

New York Magazine published an experiment by Dan Fois where he stood for 30 days in a row. The only time Fois wasn’t standing was when he used the bathroom or slept. Among the notable things that occurred during the experiment was a substantial boost in his productivity levels. He stated that his time-wasting was cut down dramatically and he managed to write and edit more than in any other months he can recall. 

This experience is quite common. A lot of people noticed that when their work routine includes standing, they are often more productive, with less time spent on social media or other irrelevant tasks. 

raised writing desks make you more productive
Using raised writing desks makes you more productive and increases success levels and energy levels.

A study that involved call center employees discovered a higher success rate for the workers who remained standing while taking calls as compared to the ones who sat. The researchers also saw a difference in the work attitude and comfort level of the workers as well as how they felt about themselves. 

It is said that it may be due to the increased brain circulation that improves overall mental function. This is also the reason why most large corporations including the likes of Facebook and Google give their employees raised writing desks

A study also revealed that standing and working at the same time can also encourage collaboration and creativity. One of the reasons behind this is that when a person stands, he or she will tend to move around more and visit the desks of their colleagues, something that rarely or won’t even happen if they’re only sitting. 

Reduced Back Pain

Experts reached the consensus that among the reasons why your back pain diminishes if you’re using standing desks is because of the increased circulation of nutrients and oxygen to the ligaments, tendons, and muscles in the neck and back. Most people who spend their day sitting often do so with a rather poor posture. This can then aggravate the pressure points, pinch the nerves, and cut down the flow of blood in the area. 

But remember that using your raised writing desk alone won’t guarantee that your back pain will be completely reduced. There are many reasons why your back aches and most of the time, these reasons are unknown. 

raised writing desk reduce lower back pain
One study found workers using a raised writing desk reported less lower back pain. Other studies have reported standing at a desk burns more calories and results in better productivity. Generally speaking, standing may force you to improve your posture which in turn can take the pressure off your lower back.

However, experts suggest that you set up an ergonomic work setting, change to a different work position every 20 minutes or so, or take a short stroll if possible, and simply continue moving. This is because there is no such thing as a perfect posture. You can only change your posture. Shifting to a different posture now and then can significantly reduce your back and shoulder pain. 

Lower Rates of Diseases

Numerous studies have shown and proven that sitting for a long time can significantly increase the risks for several of the primary causes of fatality for people in the world. There is also significant published research that discovered a connection between a sedentary lifestyle and higher risks of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. 

Weight Loss

Standing just burns a bit higher amount of calories compared to sitting. Burning only a few extra calories per hour may seem insignificant, particularly if you consider the fact that most people who stand at their raised writing desks don’t spend their time standing the whole day. 

It means that if half of your workday was spent standing at your desk and you have an 8-hour workday, standing for four hours will burn an extra 32 calories compared to spending 8 hours sitting. If 32 calories are multiplied by 5 days a week, with 44 weeks in a year, it means you will be burning an extra 7,040 calories in just a year or a little more than 2 lbs. 

Standing desks give you the chance to increase your energy expenditure during your working day. Despite being modest, once these small numbers accumulate over time, it can become a critical aspect of the strategy for public health to help desk-bound workers avoid gaining unnecessary weight. 

YouTube video
Raised Writing Desks – Stand Up For Fat Loss!

The figures stated above are consistent with the experiences of most people who are using raised writing desks. They usually cut back on some of their weight although the amount is not as significant. People tend to have more energy when standing compared to sitting. Once their energy levels are higher, they will also become more active. Using standing desks is only one aspect of an active lifestyle. 

One more factor to keep in mind is that when you stand at your desk, you will not just stand still. It’s common for you to stretch, squat, dance, or shift around if you’re standing at your work desks. Aside from this, they are also more inclined to walk away from their desks more frequently. 

The Bottom Line 

Remember that when you talk about using raised writing desks, it doesn’t automatically mean that you should stand all day. To enjoy all the benefits above, always make it a point to shift between standing and sitting every chance you get. This way, you will be reaping the optimal perks of these special types of writing desks

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